According to cancer research UKs 2010 figures, one person dies of oral cancer every 5 hours. With most cancers, early diagnosis significantly increases a persons chances of surviving. Oral cancer awareness month, which aims to improve diagnosis by raising awareness of the disease. Throughout oral awareness month each year we aim to get more early diagnosis of oral cancer by increasing our patients knowledge of the risk factors, signs and symptoms and talking to our dental professionals at Boutique Dental 23.
Risk factors
Around 91% of all diagnosis are linked to life style.
The majority of mouth cancer cases continue to be a result of smoking / the use of tobacco. Smokers are 3 more times likely to develop mouth cancer than non smokers. Research has shown that ex-smokers reduce the risk of mouth cancer by more than a third. Boutique Dental 23 are here to help anytime to kick the habit.
Drinking alcohol to excess is another major risk link to mouth cancer, it is associated with around a third of cases. Drinking in excess is the problem ! Not the occasional glass of whine.
People who drink excessively and smoke are increased to the risk of mouth cancer. It is important for people that do visit the dentist for regular full mouth examinations.
If you need a guide on what the recommended units of alcohol per day, we have them available in our practice.
Poor Diet
Up to half of mouth cancer cases are partly due to poor diet.
A diet rich in fruit and vegetables will not only keep your body healthy but it will reduce the risk of mouth cancer.
Research has shown that eating the following foods lowers the risk of oral cancer:
Fruit – 48% lower risk
Vegetables – 34% lower risk
Vitamin C supplements – 24% lower risk (versus never users)
Calcium supplements – 36% lower risk (versus never users)
Caffeinated coffee (4 cups per day) – 39% lower risk – (versus non drinkers)
Green Tea – 20% lower risk
Try and change your eating habits today !!