
1. First and foremost, what are dental veneers?
2. What are veneers used for?
3. Preparation
4. Dental Veneer Benefits
5. Aftercare

Your smile is one of your greatest assets. And, if you are not happy with your teeth, it can have a huge impact on your self-esteem, confidence, and social life.

The good news is; porcelain veneers can help to restore your smile by improving the appearance of your existing teeth.

However, before committing to porcelain veneers, it’s important that you understand the procedure so that you can determine whether it’s the best option for you.

First and foremost, what are dental veneers?

Dental veneers are an incredibly popular cosmetic dentistry treatment that involves placing a layer of material over a tooth in order to enhance and improve the aesthetics of a smile, whilst protecting the tooth’s surface from damage.

Dentists use both dental porcelain and composite to complete this procedure.

What are veneers used for?

Veneers are custom-made from porcelain and are used to address a wide range of aesthetic dental concerns including stained, chipped, misshapen or crooked teeth.

Discoloured Teeth

Over time, teeth can become discoloured and opting for veneers is one of the most effective ways of improving the colour of your teeth as they can cover up the discolouration.

Worn Teeth

Porcelain dental veneers can also be used to rectify chipped, broken and worn-down teeth, instantly improving the aesthetic appeal of your teeth. After all, it’s not uncommon for teeth to become worn as you age.

Chipped Teeth

Veneers can also be used to successfully repair chipped teeth too, restoring your smile in no time at all and improving your bite.

Teeth with Gaps

Many people do not realise that veneers can also be used to close gaps between teeth.


Veneer procedure

Before any veneer procedure can be carried out, you will need to visit your dentist for a thorough consultation. During this appointment, your dentist will examine your teeth to make sure that dental veneers are the right option for you. Your dentist might also take some X-rays at this stage too.


Once you and your dentist are in agreement that this is the right option for you, your dentist will begin the procedure by reshaping the surface of the tooth. At this stage, your dentist will be as non-invasive as possible removing a minimal part of the natural tooth enamel in order to successfully place the veneers. They will then make an impression of your tooth and send this model to the lab to be made. Whilst your veneers are being made, Temporary dental veneers can be used.


Once your veneers are ready and are the perfect fit and colour, they will then be cemented to your tooth using what is known as bonding. But first, your teeth will be cleaned, polished and etched in preparation.

During the bonding process, a special cement is applied to the veneer so that it can be bonded to your tooth. Once completed, your dentist will check your bite and make any necessary adjustments.

Dental Veneer Benefits

There are many benefits that come hand in hand with dental veneers including the following:

  • Provide a natural tooth appearance.
  • They are stain-resistant.
  • You can choose from a range of colours
  • They generally don’t require as much shaping as crowns
  • They are incredibly stronger and look better.


When it comes to maintaining your new smile, it’s important that you take aftercare incredibly seriously. We have compiled a list of our top aftercare tips.

  • Follow a consistent hygiene routine – brush twice a day and floss daily
  • Keep your gums healthy
  • Visit the dentist regularly for check-ups – you should be visiting the dentist every six months
  • Don’t chew on hard objects
  • Avoid teeth-grinding

Finally, enjoy your teeth and don’t be afraid to show them off!